Hearing God’s Voice: The Key to Thriving as His Disciple

learn to follow learn to hear learn to thrive Jun 28, 2023
Key to Thriving as His Disciple

Three Things

In our quest to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to truly understand His divine intentions for us, we often encounter hurdles. These challenges revolve around our inability to hear His voice, follow His lead, and eventually thrive as disciples. These struggles primarily stem from three primary areas of human resistance: Pride, an unhealthy fixation on money, and infidelity in terms of relationships outside of God's design. 

Listening to God’s Voice

Hebrews 3:7-13, implores us: “Today when you hear His voice, don’t harden your hearts…” But, how often do we allow our pride to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit? The discord between our will and His can lead to a hardness of heart that bars us from hearing His guidance.

There's a significant challenge we face while discerning God's voice from our own internal dialogue. It is crucial to remember that the Holy Spirit is speaking, directing, and leading. If we struggle to *hear* His voice, we ought to re-evaluate whether something is blocking our *listening* faculties.

Our hearts and minds must be open to hear His voice. We must surrender our pride and our ways and permit the Holy Spirit to impart Christ-centered humility in us. By doing so, we align our wills with God's and gracefully accept the direction and wisdom He offers us.

Following His Lead

Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Hearing is just the initial part of the journey; the second step is to follow. When our thoughts are aligned with His, we willingly let go of our assumptions and plans to adopt His path. The willingness to follow Him is an act of obedience brought about by our yearning to truly know Him and be known by Him.

However, following His lead involves more than mere compliance. A crucial aspect of this obedience is realizing that God's plans are for our ultimate good. If we remain tempted by worldly concerns or allow pride, money, or infidelity to direct our actions, we fail to fully embrace His guidance. 

Thriving as a Disciple

Thriving as a disciple is about much more than prosperity, success, or security in earthly terms. It is about experiencing the joys of being in a relationship with our Father and reflecting His glory in our daily lives. It is not related to us achieving our desires but stems from adopting a selfless perspective where God’s will becomes paramount.

The trials and tribulations that disciples encounter haven't prevented them from thriving. The Apostle Paul’s journey is a testament to thriving despite worldly struggles. Paul found joy, peace, and contentment regardless of his material circumstances. 


Listening, following, and thriving as a disciple isn't a one-time task or an overnight transformation. It is an ongoing journey, a lifestyle of humility, faith, and reliance on God. While there may be challenges, focusing on His voice, following His lead, and desiring to thrive in Him brings about a harmonic alignment of our will and God's, allowing us to experience the joy and satisfaction of truly being His disciples.

Ready to thrive on your journey? 

Listen to the FeedSheep Podcast episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2133779/12713670

Watch the FeedSheep podcast: https://youtu.be/zzl002Lgm7Y?si=xleh7_SBRjJS4WkV

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